
Magnum x Alexander Wang


With awareness reaching a ceiling in many markets, the challenge in Magnum's fifth year of attendance at the world-famous Cannes film festival was to elicit even more attention from its audience of Pleasure Seekers.


Whilst press are busy generating talkability and fame for the brand thanks to the beautiful Bella Hadid and her crew's attendance at the party, consumers felt more apathy than ever towards the event - sure it looks fun, but what do I care when I'm on the other side of the world?

What we did

This year Pleasure Seekers got closer to the glamour than ever.

A partnership with Snapchat created a Lens that used the most innovative AR to recreate the red carpet experience to the letter, so every Pleasure Seeker could feel what it’s like to walk the most iconic red carpet in the world.


The lens was seen by 10.1 million people across 7 different markets, with an average playtime of 18.47 seconds equating to an incredible 4.5 years spent playing with the creative, double that of a typical Snapchat lens.