
Magnum x kendall jenner


Drive an increase in brand affinity by remaining the most talked about brand during the Cannes film festival.


Cannes suffers from a much lower level of interest versus comparable events like the Oscars and the Grammys since all our audience see from it are context-less red carpet shots. Now in our fifth year of attendance we have permission to move from participant to authority.

What we did

Pleasure Seekers were invited on a journey of exploration to the indulgent heart of Cannes, using indulgent moments together with immersive formats to offer those at home the most sensorial experience of Cannes yet, all delivered in real time.


The most successful asset, that beautiful dipping bar gif, achieved a VTR 3 x Unilever's benchmark and helped generate 10 times as many launch-day mentions as last year. Brand awareness improved across all markets, and real-time Facebook activity resulted in 5% increase in brand affinity.